Sam Lake mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Sam Lakeはどのような性格タイプですか? Sam Lakeは、INFP in MBTI、5w4 - - in Enneagram、RCOAI in Big 5、IEI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

He's has great level of Ne. Even his facial expression is a Ne-user expression (ENTP face🤨). It's simply impossible for him to be an INFJ. While studying at the Faculty of Letters, he wrote the story of Max Payne in a short time at the request of his friends. He did not embark on these works with a vision like Ni-dom, but more spontaneously. Sam Lake also gave the idea of making cutscenes with comic book panels when they didn't have enough budget. He is good at finding creative solutions to problems. These point to his Ne. If you watch a few videos of him in it, you will already understand that the way he makes a joke is exactly the way a Ne user does. He's a Fi-dom because when you search for his name on YouTube, the videos that come up are usually videos with names like "Sam Lake's favorite moments from the Remedy games." He feels the need to make sense of things for himself. And he remembers even the smallest details about the thing in question and says what it means to him. That's the kind of thing a Fi-Si user would do. He's not Ne-dom because Because his Si looks more prominent than his Te, and he doesn't seem to prefer to share his opinions unless he's asked to do so. However, this is almost like something that develops involuntarily in the Ne-doms :D.


Sami Antero Järvi better known by his artist name "Sam Lake", he wrote games as Alan Wake, Max Payne, Death Rally, Quantum Break and Control, for the company of his good friend Petri Järvilehto, the Remedy Entertainment

まあ - 知られている人 Sam Lakeに似た有名人
