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  3. Jessie (2011)

Emma Ross mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Emma Rossはどのような性格タイプですか? Emma Rossは、ESFJ in MBTI、3w2 - so/sx - 371 in Enneagram、SLOAN in Big 5、ESE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

On one hand, I want to vote Chaotic Good because she’s almost always seen helping Jessie with her dates with Tony, sticking up for Ravi when Luke picks on him, trying to make Bertram feel better, advising Zuri and Stuart with their love lives, taking back her friends after Bryn turned them against her, and trying to befriend Rosie. But the way she goes about these good deeds shows a complete disregard of rules or how it affects others. This often leads to chaos (switching bodies with Luke when she was trying to defend Ravi, messing up and interfering with Jessie and Tony’s love life which subsequently causes their Season 2 breakup, and accidentally insulting people when she tries to compliment or stick up for them). On the other hand, I want to vote True Neutral because when she’s helping others, it’s usually for a completely different reason other than genuinely being nice. She’s also not afraid to side with evil if it means reaching a goal. For example, she refuses to pay Jessie and Brooks bill for their dinner date (money that she has on hand) because she wants Jessie to be with Tony, disregarding Jessie’s happiness. She (with Zuri) then side with Mrs. Chesterfield, and eat dinner while amusingly watching Jessie and Brooks try to get out of paying. And although she frequently disregards rules when doing things, she typically has no problem following the rules (as long as they don’t interfere with a goal of hers).

