Ned Bigby mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Ned Bigbyはどのような性格タイプですか? Ned Bigbyは、ENFP in MBTI、4w3 - so/sp - 469 in Enneagram、SCUAI in Big 5、IEE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

I know there’s no discussion here, but Ned might be one of the most obvious and realistic ENFPs that I’ve ever seen. His Ne shows as he captures different perceptions of the world filtered by his own values through Fi, his reactions are always based on what he considers right and wrong, what he likes and dislikes. He creates ideas on how to change or improve situations/resolve problems based on his personal beliefs. That’s why he created the guide. He gathers information to insert what he believes would work in practice, theorizing possibilities and structuring his ideas to create the rules (Ne-Te), but inside his values (Fi). And his Si is screaming for help in every episode, that’s the whole plot of the show. But he still uses Si, even if it's hard for him. At the end of each episode, he finally finds in his multiple ideas a rule/solution that is in fact applicable to the situation. I think he’s a great example of an ENFP.


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