Resh mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Reshはどのような性格タイプですか? Reshは、ESTJ in MBTI、6w7 - sx/so - 683 in Enneagram、SLOEN in Big 5、SLE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"


Resh is a minor character in Horizon Zero Dawn. He serves as a minor antagonist. He is hostile towards Aloy because of her outcast status, and despite her proving herself time after time to be worthy, he remains stubbornly cold towards her. His bigotry towards the former is so severe that he believes that others should share his view of her as being inferior, claiming that the Braves who were killed in the ambush were not real Braves, as none of them shot at her. Resh himself is no greater warrior than Sona or any other Brave. Having kept in the back or stayed out of sight whenever terse situations came up. Showcasing a cowardly side to the tribal man as well. Something which the outcast of the Nora calls him out on. He also comes off as conniving as well as hypocritical, having no problem rigging the proving by having another of its contestants screw up Aloy's chances of succeeding for him. Resh also comes off a might haughty.
