1. 人とキャラクター
  2. アニメ&マンガ
  3. Gakuen Alice

Natsume Hyuuga mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Natsume Hyuuga mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Natsume Hyuugaはどのような性格タイプですか? Natsume Hyuugaは、ISTP in MBTI、8w9 - sp/sx - 648 in Enneagram、RLOEI in Big 5、LSI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

now that we've typed ISTP finally I shall argue for sp 5 Natsume and not 8. A lot have typed him 8 just become he's quite aggressivly independant and do things thinking things will work out for him but when you look at it, he's really just core 5. He doesn't strive for knowledge in the traditional sense, like science, ect but that doesn't mean he's not 5 core. Indeed, Natsume is a 5 in the sense where he withdraw from the world in order to accomplish what he wants the most and do things his ways. He doesn't want to deal with others to conserves emotional energy and all. He finds others more as a bothers than anything except for the ones he very specifically cares about. "5s are generally unwilling to compromise their focused approach to life too much for the sake of a relationship", which somethings Natsume deals with during the whole stories. He has a hard time opening up to other people than the works he already cares about as he finds it also difficult to trust people. Mikan being the exception. He has the desire to be alone yet needs to care for. "If Fives feel that others are intruding on them or imposing their wills, they will simply leave quietly if they can or shut down into a detached, disdainful silence. With people or situations in which they have more confidence, however, Fives may suddenly risk behaving like average Eights, forcefully asserting their boundaries and confronting anyone or anything that displeases them. They become feisty, argumentative, and relentlessly provocative. In this mode, they take a tough stance, putting everyone on notice that they cannot be trifled with, but in ways that often cause people to react against them. They may become domineering, even aggressive, while questioning others' competency." that's a way 5s can be unhealthy and this is to me how Natsume is at the beginning of the story before becoming more healthy towards the end and demonstrate more wisdom while being more open to the world. Natsume is definitely not an 8 but a 5. And I'll even argue that he does not have 8 in his tritype but 1 instead. He has very strict values he follows and wish upon people and is very critical of those which do have these. He has a clear idea of how he should act, it's not he wants to dominate or control, he just want things to be the way the should : living peacefully with his family and luca. He wants thigns to fair and hate those which perpetuate the behaviors that made him separate from his family such as disloyalty, unfairness, dishonesty, treating others with privileges just bc of their appearance\image, ect. He is 51X.


One of Mikan's classmates whom she met during her visit to the Academy. After insulting her during that first meeting, she immediately declares him as her enemy. A member of the Dangerous ability class, he possesses the Alice of Fire and is often sent by the Academy for various missions.

アニメ&マンガ Natsume Hyuugaに似たキャラクター
