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  3. Hip Hop, Rap, Soul & R&B

Logic mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Logicはどのような性格タイプですか? Logicは、ESFJ in MBTI、9w1 - so/sx - 972 in Enneagram、SLOAI in Big 5、ESE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Obvious Fe dom if not a textbook example and a clear 9w1 at that. Very obvious Si too lmao several examples but the most obvious one is how the dude won't stop talking about being biracial. It's something he slips into the literal majority of his songs, a habit he's kept at for years I think the reason he's so corny is his complete lack of Ni and sky high Si, like the stereotype of ESFJs he seeks validation and tries his hardest to be socially acceptable but the lack of Ni means he has no idea how to make it work. Even tho he sings about positivity and love and peace and whatever he simultaneously keeps trying to create the persona of a cold street dude through other songs which he just isn't. Yeah he grew up in a very rough environment which he keeps playing at but anyone with a bit of exposure can tell that he's completely soft at heart and that lifestyle just isn't who he is. He most likely was stuck indoors all day avoiding the heat of it all. Someone who's more successful at faking it is Drake (ENFJ), he manages to pull off a more convincing and consistent performance despite also being a big softie If you look at this remix he made of a K.A.A.N song a while ago you'll see what i'm talking about https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnDgsaGrR4Y K.A.A.N goes all in, no hesitation just raw unfiltered violence in his lyrics, cos that's the theme. Then logic's part of the song comes in and he keeps backtracking to avoid stirring up controversy. "Just had sex with a Middle Eastern girl the pussy was bomb, that last line made no sense like these rappers careers". Then the "I’ll dilapidate you, grab the butter knife and decapitate you...we all have thoughts like this, I’m just willing to admit it I would never act upon these thoughts now, don’t you get it?" His lack of consistency in the personas he tries to take on are why he's seen as a 'disney rapper'


Born 1990, Sir Robert Bryson Hall II, commonly known by his stage name "Logic" grew up in Maryland facing multiple hardships from family, school, and the outside world, Originally going by the name "Psychological" in 2009, he became a hit rapper by the early 2010s.
