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Tim Duncan mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Tim Duncanはどのような性格タイプですか? Tim Duncanは、INTP in MBTI、6w5 - sp/sx - 692 in Enneagram、RCUAI in Big 5、SLI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

"In a galaxy of supernovas, Duncan's mannerisms on the floor were about as dispassionate as they come." "He’s methodical but not cumbersome; he's a thinking player but never seems to get lost in the moment" I've been a Spur's fan ever since I saw this guy, long before I cared about type. I don't have a lot direct sources since most of the backstage content that gets aired from places like Instagram, snapchat or pay tv rarely gets recorded, if not outright deleted. From what I've glimpsed I believe he is INTP. I'll make my case: "[Duncan] wears his practice shorts backward, he has a tattoo of Merlin on his chest and a joker on his back, he has a knife collection, and he thinks of himself as a guard. Real wild stuff! Duncan won't contribute to this resume of idiosyncrasy, preferring to speak in vague generalities about his life, keeping a distance from his public." Idiosyncratic is a good way to describe Duncan. He is quite an odd person. He does have a preference for Fe. He was a superstar coming into the league and he willingly put aside his own individuality to build Popovich's vision for the team that centred around an unselfish group culture but I don't think that extends to a strong preference (Aux, or Dom). In backstage videos from players on Instagram and snapshot he comes off as awkward and distant. On the bench he'll be staring off into the distance, never really cheering anyone on. He likes to joke and lighten the mood but you can tell he struggles at creating that inviting atmosphere himself. The way he embrace Tony and Manu sharing spotlight and leadership responsibilities is very characteristic of inferior Fe. He was never comfortable in being "the guy" and found it comfortable to share the emotional burden. You'll rarely find people talk about a touching moment they had with Timmy. He is distant and private. Just listening to other players reminisce on podcasts I get the sense he relied heavily on his ex-wife to handle interpersonal matters and deferred judgement to her. Why not ISTP? He is aloof on and off the court. Being confrontational and physical was never his strong suit. Pop always yelled at Timmy for playing too "soft". He never gets lost in the moment to moment battles that occurred on court that often people like Kobe or Kevin Garnett did. He didn't have the intense single mindedness of players like Kobe or Jordan. He was very flexible in his role and position in the team and was never concerned about having to do it all himself. He blurred the line between Centre and Point Forward, preferring to play what the situation called for as opposed to playing a traditional role.


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