1. 人とキャラクター
  2. 映画
  3. Mean Girls (2024)

Gretchen Wieners mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Gretchen Wieners mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Gretchen Wienersはどのような性格タイプですか? Gretchen Wienersは、ESFJ in MBTI、3w2 - sx/sp - 369 in Enneagram、SLOAN in Big 5、ESE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

“Tell me what’s wrong with me, my body, my face, my hair. Tell me all my many faults, tell me like you care. We both know you’re cruel and we bith know you’re right. I could listen to you like a fool all night. What’s wrong with me? How I speak, How I dress? What’s wrong with me? You keep me guessing. Mama called me beautiful, don’t believe her anymore. Now I’m listening to you - what do I do that for?” SHES SUCH A SX3 ONGGGG EVEN MORESO THAN SHE WAS IN THE ORIGINAL

