1. 人とキャラクター
  2. 映画
  3. The Omen (1976)

Margaret Daino (First Omen) mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Margaret Daino (First Omen) mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Margaret Daino (First Omen)はどのような性格タイプですか? Margaret Daino (First Omen)は、INFP in MBTI、9w1 - - 962 in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Just saw the movie and it was terrifying lol (in the best way). Anyway, I think she’s probably a Fi dom, maybe an INFP though I’m not sure. SPOILER ALERT: In the movie, she seems to be in touch with her own moral judgments in a way that is independent from collective feelings. This aspect can be seen when she emphasizes with Carlita, saying that she is not a bad girl and she was only told so because she doesn’t behave the way others want her to. This shows that: 1) she takes an oppositional stance against the collective judgments of other nuns; 2) she values individuality in people and dislikes it when someone is made to conform to collective standards. Both are indicators of Fi. Now, I’m not saying that people who use Ti- Fe can’t have the same individualistic characteristic mentioned above, cuz they definitely can. It’s just that with the Ti-Fe axis, people are more likely to adhere to universal principles, a quality that Margaret does not display. Ti is used to define and classify——find universal attributes in objects that make them what they are; and Fe allows it to be extended to others, creating universal values that are sort of “outside” of oneself, meaning that people adhere to this value out of responsibility and not personal desires. I find it difficult to see this quality in Margaret: she displays strong attachment to the particular instead of the universal, and her values come from within instead of a sense of responsibility. We can see this in Margaret’s attitude towards Carlita. She emphasizes with Carlita because of their shared experiences of being harshly disciplined and alienated, and she develops a strong personal attachment to Carlita (the particular) because of it. She is also in touch with her own will, going as far as to accuse the elderly nun of being guilty of Carlita’s situation to protect Carlita and her own values, defying collectivistic principles she’s been taught since she was a child in the process. Having established her high usage of Fi, it’s time to further narrow her possible personality types down: ExFP or IxFP? Personally I think it’s the latter due to her lack of extroverted attitude. In the bar scene, she is shown to be rather uptight and was reluctant to engage in novel activities. Although she eventually gave in to her Extroverted Perceiving function, her general attitude towards the objective environment was more cautious than accepting, possibly making her an introverted type. Furthermore, she seems to be rather clumsy with Te: she usually follows her feelings on a whim, her actions of immediately trying to save Carlita when she discovered the church’s deeds/when she just escaped from the church’s control all seemed to lack proper planning and management. As of whether she’s INFP or ISFP, I’m actually not very sure. The poor girl was very much traumatized and her mental state deteriorated throughout the movie, making it kinda hard to decide whether she uses Ne-Si or Se-Ni. Personally I think the way she emotionally related to Carlita could be indicative of Fi-Si (?). She was using her past subjective experiences and her feelings about those experiences to relate to Carlita’s present situation. Her Ne could also have manifested in the way she intuitively connected the dots together to figure out she was the one the church wants.


A young American woman sent to a convent.

映画 Margaret Daino (First Omen)に似たキャラクター
