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Have 1 Intuitive and 1 Sensor Parent mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Have 1 Intuitive and 1 Sensor Parent mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Have 1 Intuitive and 1 Sensor Parentはどのような性格タイプですか? Have 1 Intuitive and 1 Sensor Parentは、INFJ in MBTI、5w4 - sp/sx - 594 in Enneagram、RLUAI in Big 5、EII in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Honestly, very weird. They cooperate very well and have the same goal (to raise me and sacrifice for it), but their personalities are the complete opposite. My mother is an ISFJ while my father is an ENFP (Not typical ENFP though, very responsible and also rigid at times, I will say very self-regulated). They are both developed in their own type. But Si-Ne and Ne-Si clash is painful (I don't even need to explain). Also, Fi is much subjective and in my father's case, also non-accommodating. He has strong ethical values. My mother also has high morality, but she speaks from a third-person standpoint like "We should empathize" or "Why will they say that to somebody, I feel for that person" type of thing. While my father says stuff like "Their behavior hurt me a little bit but this is a journey" or "I will rather say the truth than care about hurting others, but I never hurt others with a lie". Sometimes that clash a bit, but neither clashes with me due to having aux Fe and high tert Ti (can mimic Fi). The worst clash is the Ti and Te one. My mother is careful and makes a lot of internal judgments and decisions (honestly a lot) while my father wants more immediate actions and wants to use immediate opportunities. His Ne-Te combination is powerful while my mom's Si-Ti is really developed, but they don't go together very well. I learned from both and honestly feel like sometimes exploited them. Although, at the end of all turmoil, everything resolves. But I cannot get past even a little exchange of words, so that frustrates me a lot.

