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  3. Infinite's Characters(Main Casts)

The Oasis mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"The Oasisはどのような性格タイプですか? The Oasisは、ENFP in MBTI、 - sx/so - 748 in Enneagram、SLUAI in Big 5、IEE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

# How I imagine PDB if it were a country or an organization. (I wouldn’t be sharing all my additional series on PDB or anywhere on social media so don’t expect me for info of these shows - would only spoil some plots in characters’ descriptions). This is actually a series of mine ; I’m too busy working on Stars, because I spoiled this series so much!!! Oasis is actually my earliest project but I focus more on Stars these days cause I’m interested in that show more (I’m just like Viziepops who spoils Helluva more than Hazbin LOL). Oasis is basically a series of mine that focus on my personal worldview, plus is a super hero themed series, it focuses on dreamers that are fighting for their freedom in a world were everything is possible ; like said this world is basically PDB or social media in general were misunderstood kids come and explore EVERYTHING and ANYTHING all of the time, Oasis also has their own political system similar to real world Group Red is right wing, Group Green is left wing, while Group Blue is the central, but they all thrive for one thing “FREEDOM” it’s just that Group Red sees freedom as something that needs to achieve through following certain rules and standards kinda like thriving for freedom but in a heavily restricted manner (they kinda reminds me of strict correlationalist on PDB too), while Group Green discard this idea, they basically think freedom is no strings attach - main characters as heroes are sorted into four elements water, fire, air, and wood, basically the classic four, water means power of emotionality and empathy, fire means passion and courage, air means intellect and creativity, and wood being reliability and persistency, there’s also additional elements such as gold, silver, bronze, and iron, with each one of them represents one of the deadly sins, gold represents pride and iron represents envy as of current(those elements are abandoned because it brings chaos and evil). I still don’t know the rating of this series but I’d assume it’s PG 13, Stars Tale is definitely R rated cause it’s simply too edgy, dramatic, even sexual, Oasis is a bit more family friendly but it’s still quite edgy.


文学 The Oasisに似たキャラクター

