1. 人とキャラクター
  2. アニメ&マンガ
  3. Undead Girl Murder Farce

Shinuchi Tsugaru mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Shinuchi Tsugaruはどのような性格タイプですか? Shinuchi Tsugaruは、ENTP in MBTI、9w8 - sp/sx - in Enneagram、RCUEI in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

It is an ILE SP7. This is nothing more than an incentive for debate, after all I'm not sure of my hypothesis yet. But come on, in the first few episodes it is evident how much this guy is a liar, inventing stories and pretexts to deceive others and take advantage of the situation. He is smart and has minimal knowledge, in addition to criticizing the social context in which he was inserted, He wanted his death to at least be fun and he always wants to appear intelligent with his non-direct creative responses to Rindou. She even comments that he keeps citing sources, making references and comparisons. He wants to live and looks funny on the outside, but he always gives the feeling of having an empty interior, or rather, no grand purpose for his life. That said, this snarky character evidently cannot be E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, and E9. It is E7 or E8. He sometimes seems to recognize no limits to his deceptions, needing to be controlled by Rindou (which I find amusing). The SX7 subtypes (the main trait is talking too much and IEE or IEI just seems really bad to him) and SO7 (unseen dreams and ideals in this character with an inner dryness so great that he intended to kill everyone by turning into an oni on purpose) are easy to rule out, but let's focus on the likely E8. He does not display lust and appears to be extremely articulate in his interactions with others. I think that SP8 would be the only likely one, but it doesn't seem to fit with the character's general behavior (let's face it, an SP8 wouldn't show such interest in helping that "big one" for believing that only he deserves the best, but Shinuchi did an exchange with her of the same level). Stating the obvious now, SO8, like most socials, is idealistic, something we don't see manifest in any way in this character, while SX8 is the more emotional, domineering, and intense one. The passion for excess is not seen in him, but the exploratory character is visible from the first episodes, which refers to gluttony. When Rindou Aya proposed the deal, he saw different perspectives of what was being said directly and looked for new alternatives to reconcile the deal in a way that would be advantageous for both, as killing Rindou was not the only option. Little by little we see him aligning his goals with Rindou's and forming a secure alliance with the same purpose. This whole process is typical of an SP7 forming alliances and inducing his group to act towards the same goal. SP7, trolls as they may be, can trade fairly, as this character did. Everything described so far forms the necessary puzzle pieces to rightly state that it is an obvious SP7 and therefore ILE.


アニメ&マンガ Shinuchi Tsugaruに似たキャラクター
