1. 人とキャラクター
  2. 映画
  3. Prisoners (2013)

Keller Dover mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Keller Doverはどのような性格タイプですか? Keller Doverは、ESTJ in MBTI、6w5 - sx/sp - 682 in Enneagram、RLOEN in Big 5、LSI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Te>Si, rather than vice versa. He would not sit still and constantly did everything he could to get something done. That screams Te dom. The fact that he kidnapped that boy, bet him up and kept him in that shower death trap mechanism, not only shows active Te dom but also inf Fi. An ISTJ would have a more equal Te-Fi decision making process, but Keller massively focused on the tasks that can be carried out to get results - him to talk. Instead he just used his Fi to just fuel his own sense of justice, without any good grip on Fi empathy for the boy. So an IXTJ would generally be more conflicted between what gets something done and doing the right thing. EXTJs, especially unhealthy ones, would more likely not even bother listening to their Fi, which is what we saw in Keller. His overly preparedness suggests Si to me, for a lower ranked Ne. I think Ni plans for worst case scenario too, but I think because it's an intuitive function, it's more of a conceptual plan, rather than a more physical sensory preparedness, ie as you saw in his basement. His basement was completely ordered and organised, everything had a place. This may suggest Si, just on the basis that Si seeks for more complete order of sensory things. Also the fact he's just kept that old house when he has very little use for it suggests Si. Ne was maybe shown through that device he managed to make that trap for that boy. Also maybe the way he is able to think on the spot about how he can get away with being in that old house and pretend he was drinking and falling asleep in there, as a hideaway place from his wife. Same applies for when the detective was following him and he came up with the drinking alibi.


#HughJackman as Keller Dover
