1. 人とキャラクター
  2. 美術
  3. Artists (Comics)

Neo-Gul mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Neo-Gulはどのような性格タイプですか? Neo-Gulは、ISFP in MBTI、6w7 - - in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"


Neogul/ Noogul/ Nugul/ Nuguri/ 너굴. Korean comic artist (manhwa). He deals with themes such as romance, comedy, slice of life, childhood friends and age progression, generally between adult characters with opposite but complementary personalities, portraying erotic scenes, set in mature environments such as home or office. He has a polished drawing style and some liquid or shiny effects.

美術 Neo-Gulに似た有名人
