1. 人とキャラクター
  2. 映画
  3. Circle (2015)

College guy mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"College guyはどのような性格タイプですか? College guyは、ENTJ in MBTI、1w9 - so/sp - 163 in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

this guy was using te all over the film to try to give the "the voice of reason" by giving orders, convincing and manipulating others logically to why he chose the most correct decision. https://youtu.be/JCdBoofErSM?t=515: showcases the te. College Guy: "EVERYBODY, QUIET!" College Guy: "Now, there is no reason for us all to just keep killing each other of like this" "Well, what the hell else are we goona do, my man?" "We don't have a choice" College Guy: "What I mean is we can choose to go about this in a certain way... Look... So There's about a minute or two between each round. That's not a lot of time. Maybe if we spend less time worrying about who's gonna die next and more time trying to figure this thing out, we'll get somewhere and be able to stop this." "What do you suggest?" College Guy: "Okay, I've been looking around the circle. And I see five or six people in their 70s and 80s. If this is a vote, I say they go first. That'll buy us some time" https://youtu.be/JCdBoofErSM?t=903: shows how he died by analyzing the situation only from the logic perspective and not the moral perspective. Black Man: "Yeah. Why is your hair so white? Cancer Woman: "Chemotherapy. I had cancer" Asian Kid: "Aren't you supposed to be bald, then?" Someone: "What kind of Cancer?" Cancer Woman: "Breast cancer." COLLEGE GUY: "So you are dying, then?" Cancer Woman: "No. It's in remission. I'm better now." COLLEGE GUY: "You sure?" Cancer Woman: "Yeah, I beat it" COLLEGE GUY: "IT COULD COME BACK, THOUGH" Spanish Girl: "What the **** is wrong with you? COLLEGE GUY: "I'm just saying she is more likely to die than the rest of us." COLLEGE GUY: "Look, Cancer or not she is over 50, she's gonna have to go eventually" Someone: "I mean, what, do we start killing off people over 40 next?" Police Cop: "I'm 43" Police Cop: "You gonna kill me next, *******?" COLLEGE GUY: "Hey, you got a problem?" Police Cop: "Yeah, I got a problem. I think maybe anyone over the age of, i don't know, 35 might have a problem." Police Cop: "What do you guys think?" COLLEGE GUY: "Okay, hey... now.. just hold on a second. Let's... I'm just trying to help" Old Lady: "**** You" conclusion => college Guy died because he analyzed the situation only through the cold logic perspective and not from the moral perspective when choosing the woman with cancer to die. for him the right thing was always to kill from the oldest to the youngest, from the sick to the healthy, instead of killing the worst people and letting the best live.

