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  3. Welcome to Samdalri (2023)

Cho Sam Dal mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Cho Sam Dalはどのような性格タイプですか? Cho Sam Dalは、ENTP in MBTI、3w4 - - 361 in Enneagram、 in Big 5、LIE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Other than the time when she said "I make plans all the time", I don't actually see her show Te. Plus she said that not really in a serious way but more so to contradict and show her friend another perspective. She shows a lot more Fe and Ti, humble in not wanting to inconvenience others but still leads her actions with logical principles which causes her to leave out her own feelings when making decisions. In this sense, she's very different from the Fi-Te user male lead who is exacting in what he feels and doesn't bulge for other's inconvenience to change the situation to fight for what is right. The second majority of the votes is ENTJ but don't y'all think she's too complacent and reliant on the initiative of other people to make her vision a reality to be a Te dom? Her strength in how she managed to be so successful stems more from her out-of-the-box concepts that made her stand out so much, and following the footsteps of the organizational system already laid out for her by her mentor of 8 years. She seems to rely on other people's plans to make her creative vision a reality. She just treats people so well that they have faith in her vision to help build a perfect situation for her. I might be a bit biased in how I'm interpreting her since I am also an ENTP and I see myself in her a lot but idk.


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