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Jasmine Shao (studyquill) mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Jasmine Shao (studyquill)はどのような性格タイプですか? Jasmine Shao (studyquill)は、ISTJ in MBTI、1w2 - so/sp - in Enneagram、RCOAI in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

I actually think that Jasmine is a Te-Fi user. ISFJ-ISTJ seems to be a very common mistype, especially among women somehow, because I think there’s a stereotype of ISTJ’s being cold or as such and this is obviously false. I especially see a lot of ISTJ women going out of their way to be warm/emotional, this could be due to any variety of things like social pressures, etc. The reason why I think she is a Te user is that she is much more concerned about the logic/reasoning and useful information she can supply viewers with. She might behave like a stereotypical ISFJ in that she cares a lot more about helping others than talking about herself but an IxFJ would show a disdain for such an analytical/objective approach to the more systematic things she talks about. Also, her discussions about her feelings/being confronted with other people’s perceptions of her in her answering personal questions video points a lot more towards Fi than auxiliary Fe. She responds to the more emotional questions valuing an internal input/subjectivity than trying to gauge/specifically address others.


Jasmine Shao is an American Educational YouTuber who uses the platform to post about stationery, studying and productivity. Videos of hers include a "Study With Me" series, "How I Take Pretty Notes" and "A Basic Guide to Calligraphy."

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