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Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moon mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moonはどのような性格タイプですか? Pink Floyd - The Dark Side of the Moonは、INFJ in MBTI、9w1 - so/sp - 945 in Enneagram、RLOAI in Big 5、EII in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

(Typing by lyrics) Speak to Me - INTJ Breathe (in the air) - INFJ On the run - ESFP Time - INFJ Great gig in the sky - ISFP Money - ENTJ Us and Them - INFJ Any colour you like - ENFP Brain damage - ESFJ Eclipse - ISFJ Speak To Me = A simple foreshadowing of all the things we'll listen throughout the album in a weird,cold, pragmatic ways (Ni-Te-Fi) Breathe (in the Air) = As we were all born into the world, a mysterious powerful being (possibly god) give us free will to choose, we can choose to make our own path for life or follow a simple printcopies of life scenario that most people seems to follow (Ni-Fe-Ti) On The Run = Not Yet focusing the mind and heart for a singular path, we're all live our life chasing for the big next gratification we can set our eyes into without questioning and reflecting on our self, that what it is we're actually value and love as an individual and not as someone or somebody (Se-Te loop) Time = As we're following our path, a mysterious powerful being tell us the terrifying essence of time and how it can make us all missing out on what truly matter in life(Ni-Ti loop) The Great Gig in The Sky = A powerful lullaby full of emotion, which tell the massage that we don't have to be afraid of dying as there's nol reason for it and you gotta do sometime so just enjoy life and the present moment (Fi-Se-Ni) Money = As capitalism and the modern world keep evolving, we're all once again caught up trying to fit in into the system and focus on trying to get our hands on all the meaningless material things with whatever way we can do (Te-Se loop) Us And Them = A mysterious powerful being once again come and tell us the meaninglessness and stupidity in all the conflicts that human have done on the world and on themselves, that we're all doomed if we keep continue like this (Ni-Fe-Ti-Se) Any Colour You Like = "you can choose whatever colour you like but it'll always be blue"(Ne-Fi) Brain Damage = a beautiful and tragic tale about Syd Barrett and the criticism on sOciETy's unrealistic standard and why it can effect an individual well being and sanity(Fe-Si-Ne-Ti) Eclipse = A beautiful climax of all the things that human have experience, a reflection and the final ending where you can finally relax (for eternity)(Si-Fe-Ti-Ne) Album as a whole - INFJ


The Dark Side of the Moon is the eighth studio album by the English rock band Pink Floyd, released on 1 March 1973 by Harvest Records. Primarily developed during live performances, the band premiered an early version of the record several months before recording began. The record was conceived as an album that focused on the pressures faced by the band during their arduous lifestyle, and dealing with the apparent mental health problems suffered by former band member Syd Barrett, who departed the group in 1968. New material was recorded in two sessions in 1972 and 1973 at Abbey Road Studios in London. A concept album, the themes of The Dark Side of the Moon explore conflict, greed, time, death, and mental illness. Snippets from interviews with the band's road crew, as well as philosophical quotations, were also used.
