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  3. Ennead

Horus mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Horusはどのような性格タイプですか? Horusは、ISFP in MBTI、5w6 - sx/sp - 582 in Enneagram、 in Big 5、SEI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Why ISFP 5w6 sx/sp (and why is it possible and the most reasonable typing for Horus in Ennead)? I made this comment under a post (Hyunnie's) here but I am gonna post it here so more people can see it and we can discuss: I recommend looking for Fi dom 5 ennegram articles, ISFP 5w6 articles and sx 5 ennegram articles from internet if you want to understand more but I will explain my deduction from my reasearch and how I understand it applies here. This typing does not look like a normal ennegram 5 with Fi dom and sx instinct divergence. He is always looking to understand things around and gives them value with the knowledge. He wants to be capable and compenetent for his loved ones and when he is not he does not feel ready to do something like why he does not feel ready to be a god because he does not see himself having all the necessities. I also saw that he gives the knowledge a high value like when he learned the deeper side of Seth he wanted to be with him. He was amazed by the power of Seth and wanted the security of that power which is 6 wing. sx 5's give a lot of value into undertanding people as the counter type and are more romantic. They trust few people and share secret information with inmates which is how his relationship with Seth is like. They also want for an ideal love which explains his idealisim in the love he recieved and wanted the more idealistic one (Seth) instead of the one he had (his mothers). *Some SPOILERS below to later chapters* Also he fears annihalition of a loved one which is a core fear of 5. He always tries to understand something deeper and he used his intuition for this and felt emty and lost when he lost it. He also said that he wanted to be the one that remmembered the guardian god Seth and this act of giving the importance to the knowladge and not to lose a loved one through annihilation is very sx/sp 5w6. Even though it seems unreasonable to leave his mother to help his enemy Fi dom makes all of these its main values so FiSe sx/sp 5w6 wants to be capable for the special someone that they shared secret infomation with, who they understand deeply and who they see as an ideal love will do every sacrifice for this relationship like he explained in the lates chapters, even if that means not to be god. **End of spoilers** I also thought the 9 ennegram but I do not thing he cares of inner stability and peace of mind like a 9 but dives deeper to undertand things that are happening which does not make him comfortable and his actions that comes from ennegram 5 (because he does something from his knowladge that he does not share) puts him into tough situations. Instead in his tritype I can clearly see the ennegram 8's impulsivenes, challenging and control/surrender dynamic of sx 8. But I cas see why you can think sx 9 as the instinct makes this two type's approach in relationships very similar.


