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  3. Schitt’s Creek (2015)

Moira Rose mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Moira Roseはどのような性格タイプですか? Moira Roseは、ENFP in MBTI、3w4 - so/sx - 368 in Enneagram、SLUEI in Big 5、EIE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Moira's Ne is so distinct and clear I don't understand any votes of her having Ni (ENFJ??). Even in her dialogue and actions alone in which she thinks or approaches a situation, it's never concrete or linear, she is naturally inclined to find another personalized and unusual way of doing/speaking (it's typically not in a way to please or appeal to anyone unless it benefits her, per se). Also her making up random scenarios to gain advantage another person (Ne-Te), which yes, any type can do, but this is consistent behavior in nearly every episode which is very telling to her cognitive way of thinking. Tertiary functions are in a placement that can be highly exaggerated or overcompensated, which is exactly how Moira uses hers. She isn't the best at Te per se, it doesn't come as natural as for a Te dominant user would, but she literally *exaggerates* it in almost every scene to get what she wants. And the way she tries gaining advantage over someone is typically through the most bizarre, creative ways (spoilers: season 2, when she was running for town council and she threw out her own signs to add some 'amusement' into the political game (which ultimately made Jocelyn quit out of guilt lol, but also making Moira unexpectedly win). Another great example of her Ne is in season 3, episode 3, when her and Johnny are trying to buy car for the best price so they have to pretend to act 'poor'. While Johnny (with his lower Ne) thinks more practically and goes to Roland on advice to look 'hipster', Moira chooses to play up this role as a poor woman from London who got abducted with an identical twin. She immerses herself into roles that are beneficial for the situation, creating an entire character persona and backstory on-the-spot, playing it up to the absolute maximum (not even realizing she's overdoing it lol). She often disregards Johnny's comments on toning it down (inferior Si vs higher Si clash) because she favors her Ne-Fi way of doing things a lot more. Moira's Ne makes up for Johnny's lack of it - though he doesn't quite understand and thinks her approaches are often unpractical, the contrast is shown all throughout the show for comedic effect. Johnny's Te, as it is higher in his function stack, is a lot more natural/controlled than hers, yet we see how he uses it in a different manner. Also, I must be watching a different show because I don't see Fe at all. The premise of her character is actually to not have great awareness over others, having no trouble crossing other peoples boundaries to fulfill her personal desires, scatterbrained, etc - qualities anyone could possess but again is her natural inclination. Just because Moira claims she reads the room doesn't mean she actually does, especially since she says a lot of things that aren't necessarily true lol. Anyways I have more examples, let me know if you'd like more!


The dramatic matriarch of the Rose family and former soap opera star, who takes an interest in civics after moving to Schitt's Creek.

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