1. 人とキャラクター
  2. 映画
  3. Ghost (1990)

Subway Ghost mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Subway Ghostはどのような性格タイプですか? Subway Ghostは、INTP in MBTI、8w7 - sx/sp - 584 in Enneagram、SLUEI in Big 5、ILE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Sam Wheat : How long have you been here? Subway Ghost : Since they pushed me. Sam Wheat : Someone pushed you? Subway Ghost : Yeah, someone pushed me. Sam Wheat : Who? Subway Ghost : What, you don't believe me? You think I fell? You think I jumped? Well, **** you! It wasn't my time! I wasn't supposed to go! I'm not supposed to be here! [the ghost kicks a cigarette machine, causing cigarette packs to fall out. He looks longingly at the cigarettes] Subway Ghost : Oh, I'd give anything for a drag! Just one drag! [Sam is crouching on the subway station floor, trying to move a bottle cap with his fingers. The Subway Ghost is laughing at him] Subway Ghost : What are you doing? What the hell are you doing? You're trying to move it with your finger. You can't push it with your finger! You're dead! It's all in your mind. The problem with you is that you still think you're real. You think you're wearing those clothes? You think you're crouched on that floor? Bullshit! You ain't got a body no more, son! [Taps his forehead] Subway Ghost : It's all up here now! You want to move something, you got to move it with your mind! You got to focus, you hear what I'm sayin'? Sam Wheat : How? How do you focus? Subway Ghost : I don't know *how* you focus! You just focus!


映画 Subway Ghostに似たキャラクター
