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Deacon mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Deaconはどのような性格タイプですか? Deaconは、ENTJ in MBTI、1w2 - - in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Deacon, as Spymaster of the Armada, and Kane's personal emissary, tends to have a lot of autonomy in how he directs his energy. Although he is Kane's right hand, he has a full battalion of military forces under his command, near-ubiquitous diplomatic immunity, and a priority list a mile long. Ergo, he needs to know how to accomplish things efficiently. Efficient action is the underpinning of the ENTJ, and its most defining distinction from the INTJ. ENTJs are decisive, straightforward, leadership-driven to a fault, ambitious, and perhaps just a mite too arrogant. When you meet Deacon, he's in control. He refuses to accept defeat or be humbled, even as he scurries away in retreat. And broadly, his role in the Armada speaks to the presence of independence, extraverted-leaning negotiation skills, and an extreme tendency towards control. The assumption of Te-dominant thinking confirms what we've seen so far in his actions: efficiency, analysis, and control. His machine mind is capable of very thorough analysis of situations, hence the presence of Ni in his thinking, but it's ultimately in service to his need to make quick and ruthless decisions under all types of circumstances - making him undoubtedly Ni-aux. ENTJs project authority because their main function is based around extraverted thinking, and trends toward commanding the world around them. He's a commander rather than a chessmaster, a decisive action-taker rather than a planner. Ni-aux, Te-dom. He doesn't seem to have much of an internal monologue or a grip on his thoughts and emotions, making Ni-Fi looping out of the question, and inferior Fi almost a given. TL;DR: The man's a machine made for perpetuating strong-arm diplomacy and spreading brutal, unfeeling clockwork terror. He has to take action efficiently if he's going to maneuver his way through the high-powered job of Armada Emissary. ENTJ without a doubt.

