Kieran mbtiパーソナリティタイプ
"Kieranはどのような性格タイプですか? Kieranは、INFP in MBTI、4w3 - sx/sp - 469 in Enneagram、RLUAI in Big 5、IEI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"
oh, poor Kieran... Kieran's a combination of violently explosive and terribly withdrawn; he's fearful and clingy, but also resentful of anything that reminds him of his weakness. Many of his clingier tendencies are very sp6-like, but his temper and resentfulness align better with 4 than 6sp. He's deeply preoccupied with fantasy and legend, immersing himself in Ogerpon's mythos to escape his own smallness. Moreover, while he's overtly polite, he's contrarian right from the start, immediately expressing sympathy for a so-called villain. Doing that so openly, especially to the player, who's all but a stranger on day one of the DLC, isn't exactly sp6 compliance, nor sp2 behaviour. And while Fe users can be contrarian, being so openly distrustful of common wisdom isn't exactly dominant Fe behaviour, as he's immediately clinging to extremes. Notably, Kieran seems to not only be fond of Ogerpon, but to attach himself to the idea of the abandoned, shunned underdog. He's not just fond of a legend – he's actively identifying with his own fantasy of how things could have been, and seeing himself as put-upon and ostracised. He's withdrawing into fantasy; such a method of soothing his sense of isolation also exacerbates that same loneliness. That's very, very unhealthy Fi behaviour, not to mention stunningly withdrawn, and very anti-e2 behaviour. It's also less than e6sp-like, as an e6sp probably wouldn't focus on a fantasy of being a rejected hero so much as a fantasy of being protected. As such, we can say he's an Fi-dom, and in the withdrawn triad, with the preoccupation with fantasy strongly indicating 4. So, IXFP 4. Kieran's thinking seems very black-and-white: he can't balance out the prospect of being hated with the prospect of being loved, so any kind of betrayal, in his eyes, can't be taken back. As such, one lie from Carmine and the player is enough for him to lose faith in both – again, this isn't exactly Fe behaviour. If anything, clinging so keenly to perceived insults could be seen as very, very unhealthy Fi-Si loop, as augmented by Ne preoccupation with legend and fantasies of the self-as-helpless. Notably, under stress, he starts to behave increasingly erratically, even involving physical aggression. This isn't disintegration to 8, as he's less directing that aggression into achieving a goal, and more throwing down helpless resistance and aimless rage. 8 behaviour would be more goal-directed, more clingy; he's instead letting withheld frustration explode, and actively working to sabotage any hopes of regaining trust. That's more sx4 behaviour instead – intensity that's congruent with the need to isolate the self further, rather than intensity that would eventually achieve being loved (as in 2sp). Kieran's breakdown is less about pride than about envy; and as he's actively making himself less secure, and cutting off possible protection by others, it's not 6sp or 6sx behaviour, either. All is envy and resentment; anger is a tool he uses (probably unconsciously) as a means to distance himself from others. Notably, his competitiveness is all about envy – that is, how he sees himself – rather than vanity – how others might see him. He's not seeking strength for the sake of Carmine's approval or the player's approval – he's instead trying to convince himself he might have the power to resist as Ogerpon resisted its ostracisation and abuse all those years ago. Any e3-like behaviour stems from e4 desires to make more of himself, rather than to be useful or likeable. He's using 3 behaviour to further sx4 motives – ergo, 4w3sx. While Kieran is overtly polite and chill, I'd still say sx/sp>sp/sx. After all, all his behaviour is troublingly intense – he gets *extremely* attached to the player at very short notice, and then *extremely* detached not long after. He's withdrawn, but seldom inert – he's incredibly, incredibly good at submerging his own identity in his idealised versions of others, rather than at losing himself in service to them. I'm not against the idea that he's an sp/sx4, but an introverted, troubled sx/sp fits him better, to my mind. Any 9like chillness is more isolation than tolerance – he's not at all capable of dealing with any kind of upset to his worldview, as indicated by how rapidly he breaks down. As such, sx>sp.