1. 人とキャラクター
  2. 漫画
  3. Minimonsters

Victor Von Piro Da Oskuritas Und Malefic mbtiパーソナリティタイプ

Victor Von Piro Da Oskuritas Und Malefic mbtiパーソナリティタイプ image


"Victor Von Piro Da Oskuritas Und Maleficはどのような性格タイプですか? Victor Von Piro Da Oskuritas Und Maleficは、ISTJ in MBTI、1w9 - - in Enneagram、 in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"


Victor is the main protagonist. He is a narcissistic vampire, posh, rich, and very irascible, but very clumsy and naive, in such a way that things often go wrong for him. Deep down he cares about his family and new friends, but he doesn't usually show it due to his pride. He is a vegetarian and feeds on the sap of trees.

漫画 Victor Von Piro Da Oskuritas Und Maleficに似たキャラクター
