Megan Fox mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Megan Foxはどのような性格タイプですか? Megan Foxは、ISTP in MBTI、9w8 - sx/sp - 973 in Enneagram、RCUEI in Big 5、SLI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

I believe in contributing to Megan Fox' page. Yes - Yes! Ooh Yeah. Now that I've got THAT outta the way, I'm actually gonna per usual considerate give a meaty explanation as to why I agree with consensus. [Alarm Bells] Chubby Children in Unison: "Wow! Really? YAY!" Me: "Okay. Please, calm down." Now I shall explain why I type Megan Wild-Wolf (aka FOX) an ISTP. "People assume that I'm really promiscuous. There's a difference between being very sexual and being promiscuous. I'm not promiscuous. I'm extraordinarily sexual within a monogamous relationship. Nothing's off-limits. But that has nothing to do with experiencing a lot of people. I've only had two boyfriends my whole life." ~ Megan Fox This quote examples Megan's subjective optics/symbols/vantage (Ti). ✅ Note Megan saying "Nothing's off-limits. But that has nothing to do with experiencing a lot of people." This statement is subjectively point-of-view based (Ti), not subjectively perspective based (Fi). ✅ Note the difference between a subjective point-of-view and a subjective perspective is the former accesses data for a point (singular and categorical), whereas the latter accesses data for a stream (pluralizable, i.e. not comparable, but forcibly valuable), i.e. the Ti user will arrange data by embedding their externally stimulated information as they are depressed it, whereas the Fi user will arrange data by grouping and funneling their externally stimulated information as they are impressed in it. ✅ Note Megan Fox is evidently consciously depressed by information, meaning she says "that has nothing to do with" out of an impetus to enforce the categorical to respect the singular impacts, which cause each point at points of view to be depressed, ultimately drawing a context. A lot of Megan's quotes, like the one above, are context specific. "Wonder Woman is a lame superhero. She flies around in her invisible jet, but she's not invisible. And her weaponry is a magic lasso that makes you tell the truth. I just don't get it." ~ Megan Fox This quote examples more of Megan's introverted thinking. ✅ Note there's a criticism suggesting contradiction that Wonder Woman dresses for attention only to travel herself covertly, and this is a Ti critique of intention factoring "intention" at a point-of-view instead of a perspective. Her criticism about the weaponry being ultimately for non-weapon means to get you to fess up does not compute with Megan's internal logic that lines CONTEXTUALLY LINES into meaning by point-of-view. ✅ Note what people should understand about Ti is it creates CONTEXTUAL LINES wherever it looks for and to whatever it's looking at. The "for and to" of it is why Ti can really be incorrect about a good portion of things whilst discovering, because (this may read weird, but) we must remember the "for" and the "to" are different installations of information, so I could be *for* going and buying juice, but when I get *to* the supermarket I decide I want Dr. Pepper, so the "to" is not dependent on the "for," makes sense? The "to" is alignment at point incalculable, whereas the "for" is alignment of trajectory calculable, meaning Ti users are good at positioning, but, more often than not, fail at propositioning (i.e. prop positioning). If there's nothing to line up (e.g. the choices for Wonder Woman) the Ti user has a contemptuous time factoring in the discrepancy. "I was with someone from the time I was 18 and I've never been my own independent adult. Right now, there's no space in my head for who's going to be next or how I need to fill my time. I'm trying to expand myself and grow and be comfortable with who I am before I get into another relationship where I'll just repeat a cycle. Otherwise, I will have ten failed relationships. I will be Elizabeth Taylor by the time I am 60 and I don't want that." ~ Megan Fox This quote examples Megan's objective opportunism/aestheticism (Se) and her subjective knowledge/expectancy (Ni). ✅ Note Megan's realization of "a cycle" she's recognized in her actions. My impression judging this quote is that she's realized some impulsivity she has, in this case for hopping into relationships, and she doesn't want to end up as "Elizabeth Taylor." She makes a point of this, and this reveals conscious subjective knowledge/expectancy (Ni) along with conscious objective opportunism/aestheticism (Se). "I like to cut through the ********. I don't like small talk and I don't like to have to be a cookie cutter. That's a quality I started to develop as a kid in middle school. You know how everybody goes into cliques and you all talk behind everyone's back? I thought it was so ignorant. So I just really started being completely honest with everybody all of the time. It gets me into trouble often, but, at the end of the day, I think it's a good quality to have." ~ Megan Fox This quote examples Megan's inferior objective metrics/values/limitation (Fe). Megan Fox is most probable an ISTP.


Meghan Denise Fox (born May 16, 1986) is an American actress and model. She began her acting career in 2001, with several minor television and film roles, and played a regular role on the Hope & Faith television sitcom. In 2004, she made her film debut with a role in the teen comedy Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen.
