1. 人とキャラクター
  2. 映画
  3. Wreck-It Ralph (Franchise)

Turbo "King Candy" mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Turbo "King Candy"はどのような性格タイプですか? Turbo "King Candy"は、ENTJ in MBTI、3w4 - so/sp - 387 in Enneagram、SLOEI in Big 5、EIE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

He is obviously not an ENFP, "Ne" is just so random that focusing on only one thing at a time or having a long term goal and forming steps, So it's definitely not "Ne", I understand that some might type him this way because he seems kinda.. random, But he actually isn't. ENTJs can be funny like this and he obviously doesn't use "Fi", The only thing I see "Fi" in is his passion and close to obsession for racing, But not the racing itself. The feel of being unique and successful is what started it, But his actions have "Ni", As he forms really well-built plans even if it isn't shown much, And his "Se" is well-developed too, As he is aware of the facts, current events and establishing physical bases for his "Ni" to be fulfilled. Along with the help of "Te" attached to both of them, As if you focus he non-emotionally wants to remove Vanellope, And instead of seeing her as an individual which is a more "Fi" thing, He sees her as an obstacle in his plan's way. What could be more "Te-Ni" than that? Along with the fact that he knows exactly how to influence and manipulate people for his long-term goals (also "Te-Ni"). This doesn't necessarily mean that "Fi" can't be evil as an example: (syndrome), But in his case it feels more "Te" to me. The only "Fi" is his obsession for success, But he uses "Te" for nearly.. everything else, including keeping his "Fi" goal AKA (racing).


映画 Turbo "King Candy"に似たキャラクター
