1. 人とキャラクター
  2. テレビ
  3. Bom Dia, Verônica (2020)

Verônica Torres mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Verônica Torresはどのような性格タイプですか? Verônica Torresは、ESTP in MBTI、2w1 - so/sx - 825 in Enneagram、 in Big 5、EII in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

i thought her Se was very evident while i was watching the show, so i’m very confused to why she’s typed as an ENFP. rather than Ne brainstorming possibilities, i think she relies on Se to process information. her Se is what makes her act recklessly (such as infiltrate the house of 2 psychopaths not once but TWICE) as well as making take the matters “on her own hands”. all that while still thinking is the logical thing to do, relying on her Ti to justify her impulsive actions. like “it’s just what i should do. it’s obvious.” that maybe can be mistaken as Fi because she prioritizes not what others tell her what to do but her own view of what is right. however, this behavior is based on logical thinking, it’s her Ti telling her that it just makes sense. at least that’s how i see it. but yeah, the Se > Ne is pretty obvious to me. an small example it’s in season 1 when her daughter asks her what “double meaning” means and it’s just then after hearing this that her brain makes connections and she considers “ideal love” beyond the literal sense. that’s it after sensorial stimulus. while to an Ne user that’d be one of the first laid out possibilities, because going through all prospects is something that comes naturally to us.


テレビ Verônica Torresに似たキャラクター

