Yume Irido mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Yume Iridoはどのような性格タイプですか? Yume Iridoは、INFJ in MBTI、6w5 - sp/so - 641 in Enneagram、RLOAI in Big 5、EII in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

I binge watched it overnight, here are my observations: at first I also thought she's ISTJ because of how she acts but.. Ni - the way she perceives the world is very Ni coded to me. She gathers information then stitches them together and comes up with ONE conclusion. She does not even give the benefit of the doubt most of the time. Her inner monologues explain this so well. Making everything a puzzle piece and coming up with a picture. Fe - how she makes decisions is heavily based on the people around her and the common social norms. -Fashion style: "based on Mizuto's taste". -Bought a swimsuit with Mizuto: "Because mother and father want it". -Wants to be top of the class: "Because she's afraid to disappoint everyone and be alone again afterwards." -Changes her character: "To blend more with her community" -Often she does not realize what her actual feelings are Ti - too much brain analysis, too why-coded, tends to make her assumptions from what she's observed with Fe and Se then interprets it with her own logic (Ti) then comes up with a conclusion (Ni) Se - I don't wanna say she always gets lost but that is a fact. Might or might NOT because of her inferior Se. -needs to practice her kissing face because it doesn't come out naturally that well lol. this comment section is kinda messed up. asking each other why ISTJ and why INFJ without coming up with reasoning. additional observation: when she was younger her go-to function was Ni. Seemingly detached from the world, also her social anxiety does not help. Poor use of Ti and Fe, she thinks the world is gonna reject her or something. She's always doubting herself but when she started dating Mizuto, she became better with her Fe which in turn led her to make new friends and become more sociable. After sensing Mizuto's attitude towards him change (Fe-Se), she came up with the conclusion that maybe he doesn't feel the same anymore (Ni-Ti). Although deep inside she knows it's a misunderstanding, she goes on and chooses to make decisions using her feelings. F>T. After getting more mature and developing her Ti more at the end of season 1, She started to understand Mizuto better. "I've been selfish," she says, finally reflecting on her poor actions and stupid decisions back in the day. disclaimer: only watched the anime, she might be different in the manga and light novel I might be wrong


アニメ&マンガ Yume Iridoに似たキャラクター
