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  3. Table Tennis

Fan Zhendong mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Fan Zhendongはどのような性格タイプですか? Fan Zhendongは、ISTJ in MBTI、6w5 - so/sp - 613 in Enneagram、RCOAN in Big 5、LSI in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

He focuses a lot on his plans and training (Te user), he never uses social media and even made a public statement that he doesnt want fans too near him because its disturbing his life. I think this shows how he gives 0 F about others opinions (not a Fe user) and doesnt get intimate with people easily. Also hes been single all this time although many ppl admire him and try to approach him. I think he knows fully well what he wants in life and his values (Fi user). Also he improves/practices his techniques relying on sensory experience (Si), which makes him a good athlete.


Fan Zhendong (Chinese: 樊振东; pinyin: Fán Zhèndōng; born 22 January 1997) is a Chinese professional table tennis player who is currently ranked world No. 1 for men's singles by the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF). After joining the Chinese National Table Tennis Team in 2012 as the youngest member of the team, he went on to become the youngest ITTF World Tour Champion and the youngest World Table Tennis Champion. He achieved the top spot in the world rankings after holding position No. 2 for 29 consecutive months, starting from November 2015. Fan's attacking style of play involves explosive footwork and powerful forehand loops. His thick-set build has led fans and commentators to affectionately refer to him as "Little Fatty" (Chinese: 小胖; pinyin: Xiǎo Pàng).

スポーツ Fan Zhendongに似た有名人
