Thief King Bakura mbtiパーソナリティタイプ
"Thief King Bakuraはどのような性格タイプですか? Thief King Bakuraは、ENTP in MBTI、8w7 - sx/sp - 873 in Enneagram、 in Big 5、SLE in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"
Thief King Bakura and Yami Bakura are the same. Even if you consider them separate characters because YB is also Zorc, TKB and YB still share types. First and most importantly, they think the exact same way and use the exact same strategies: (also, If long term hidden gambits around splitting your own soul aren't an Intuitive move, I don't know what is) But, I'll try to go over my rationale for TKB being E and N specifically, without involving YB at all: E: He's much more focused on the outer world and affecting it, than any inner world and effects on that. He claims the spirits of Kul elna speak to him, and support him through Diabound, and considers them the allies he works with, not living people. So he's not introverted, he's just isolated, as persona non grata in his own country. Other traits of myers-briggs definition of extraversion he has in spades, like getting involved in or causing events, often chaotic ones, even even ones unnecessary to his plans, just because he likes to. N: He's entirely motivated by and focused on the past and the future over the present. He's unable to ever move past the massacre of his village, and obsessively driven by his plans for revenge and to possess power in the future. He further uses his intuitive nature to pursue his goals, with strategies based around manipulating people into his traps with inferred insight into their own motives and behaviors. His memory of Kul Elna isn't just a fact of what happened for him, but the emotional trauma it caused and the hatred it inspires, to the point where he doesn't even view doing the same things himself as relevant. It's symbolic of how he come to see the world, and he his thoughts on what it means to be a thief or a king as ideals, over what they are literally. Taking what he wants isn't pragmatic or straightforward survival like it is for a typical bandit. It's all about the big picture to him, to the point where he never even considered moving on and living a present focused life for himself, without the past or future consuming him. Basically, he is so Ne dom, it's painful. So Ti makes more sense as his aux than his dom function, imo. He's also very aware of and easily able to describe his own feelings, so Fe also makes more sense as tertiary, than inferior too. I will say, no matter the type, he's definitely not healthy, so he's probably caught in a loop, probably a Fe related one, given his inability to heal from what hurt him. Also, I really don't think becoming Zorc necessitates a change in myers-briggs. It genuinely doesn't seem to affect how YB/TKB process information. It doesn't even seem to change their enneagram, though Zorc is 8w7 regardless. If it changed anything, it would be alignment. This makes sense given that YB arcs all reference D&D, and TKB moral alignment is an actual question posed in the memory world. Finally (thanks for sticking with me if you got this far), allegedly, Takahashi has said that if the massacre of Kul Elna hadn't happened, TKB would have acted more like Ryou Bakura. His anime only version, while not being possessed by YB, might be this despite the massacre. Which would make him an INFP, lol. I have never found the source for Takahashi saying this, though.
個性 correlate
Seto Kaiba
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Yugi Mutou
Yami Bakura
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