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  3. Love Revolution

Yang Minji mbtiパーソナリティタイプ


"Yang Minjiはどのような性格タイプですか? Yang Minjiは、ESFJ in MBTI、2w3 - so/sp - 269 in Enneagram、SLUEN in Big 5、 in socionics のパーソナリティタイプです。"

Even little conversation with Jarim can show her Fe Ep 52: Wang Jarim's episode Minji: "She (Gangji) often doesn't pass the Exam and often smoke in the school restroom! Not just girls restroom, boys restroom too!" This is the clue to her unhealthy Fe because, "The rumor has spread" Jarim: "Just because she's doing all that, doesn't make her a bad person." This is Jarim's Ti because she values subjective thinking first. Minji: "She also stealing! Didn't you hear that? The rumor has spread!" Jarim: "That's just a gossip." Basically, Minji and Juyeong is similar. Juyeong who thinks he is a good person and asking "why everyone think he is stupid" and Minji who still wants to be seen as a good person even though her sister gives an honest point' and she lowkey admitted it. "Why does everything have to end with me, as the bad person? I'm also the victim. Why am i the only one who have to admit that i was wrong?" Fe-Si because she devoured by her thought that Jarim hates her and trying to ridicule her because she didn't take Jarim side in middle school


ウェブコミック Yang Minjiに似たキャラクター
