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  2. 종교
  3. Taoism

Tu (earth) MBTI 성격 유형

Tu (earth) MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Tu (earth)은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Tu (earth)은 mbti의 ISFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w8 - - 946, big 5의 RCOAI, socionics의 LII입니다."

Yellow is also colour of sanguine temperament. In Chinese medicine earth people are mostly phlegmatic:at the opposite,they are not sad or depressed,like someone could think because of black bile and melancholic temper (Hippocrates and Galenus medicine,Rudolph Steiner)


In Chinese philosophy, earth or soil (土), is the changing point of the matter. Earth is the third element in the Wuxing cycle. Earth is a balance of both yin and yang, the feminine and masculine together. Its motion is centering, and its energy is stabilizing and conserving. It is associated with the colour yellow/ochre and the planet Saturn, and it lies at the centre of the compass in the Chinese cosmos. It is associated with the turn of each of the four seasons and with damp weather. Its Primal Spirit is the Yi, and is represented by the Yellow Dragon. The Wu Xing Earth is associated with the qualities of patience, thoughtfulness, practicality, hard work, and stability. The earth element is also nurturing and seeks to draw all things together with itself, in order to bring harmony, rootedness and stability. Other attributes of the earth element include ambition, stubbornness, responsibility and long-term planning. Its negative emotion is worry and its positive emotion is happiness.

종교 유명 인사 Tu (earth)과 유사합니다
