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Foo Fighters - Everlong MBTI 성격 유형

Foo Fighters - Everlong MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Foo Fighters - Everlong은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Foo Fighters - Everlong은 mbti의 ISFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w1 - sx/sp - 926, big 5의 RCUAI, socionics의 SEI입니다."

“if anything could ever be this good again…” this is a song in which the narrator is reminiscing a past experience, while wishing he could relive it again. he’s comparing and contrasting his current situation with that past situation, which is obvious dominant si behavior. the situation he’s reminiscing seems to have a special someone in it, someone the narrator has now lost and actively is trying to get back into his life. he’s willing to do anything to get this person back, since the connection he feels towards them is too strong to just let go of, and move forward from. that hints at unhealthy auxiliary fe; he’s unable to face and accept the sudden instability that occurred and needs that stability he used to have with that person back. he’s also overindulging in his inferior ne by dreaming big and “waiting everlong” for that person to come back.


“Everlong” is a song by American rock group Foo Fighters. It was released in August 1997 as the second single from their second studio album, The Colour and the Shape (1997). The song reached number 3 on the US Billboard Alternative Songs chart and the Canadian (RPM) Rock/Alternative chart. It remains a signature song for the band. The music video for “Everlong” was nominated for Best Rock Video at the 1998 MTV Video Music Awards. The surreal, satirical video for the song was directed by Michel Gondry. The running time of the video exceeds that of the original version of the song; this version is used only for the video. Although Taylor Hawkins appears in the video as the drummer, Dave Grohl actually plays the drum track on the original album recording, as Hawkins had not yet joined the band. The music video is, in part, a parody of the film The Evil Dead.
