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Ike Eveland MBTI 성격 유형


"Ike Eveland은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Ike Eveland은 mbti의 INFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w2 - sp/so - 126, big 5의 RCOAI, socionics의 ESI입니다."

This man is a 1w2, or at least a very strong 1 fix. not 9. Sure, he helps a lot and cares for everyone. But what is his reason for doing so? What motivates him and what does he fear most? During the amongus collab Ike was yelling at everyone to shut up for Mysta to speak because in his words "It was the right thing to do." He's extremely guarded, but he also works at things nonstop until he perfects it. During the Male Neko Para collab, people around him kept saying how much Fennel was pretty much Ike. Especially with his perfectionistic tendencies. For anger, there's no doubt that Ike gets angry too much to be a 9. Unlike a true 9 like Shu or a 9 fix like Luca, he holds back his rage until it's acceptable to release it. It's a silent anger, but releases it when socially acceptable. He also has a hyperfixation on his insecurities. Like during the offline collab with Nina, Luxiem, etc, Vox had mentioned that Ike cried from anxiety of performing, even though he's extremely talented. He fears disappointing people and making a mistake. Of course, anyone would be insecure and everyone has insecurities. But Ike is talented, and STILL criticizes himself. 1s hyperfixate on their flaws and fear any imperfection, no matter how minor or unrealistic it is. Ike just fits 1w2 too much to be a 9 fix and I stand by this. I believe his tritype is 162, in whichever order. Thanks for reading


A Novelist from the past who seems somewhat closed-off. When an idea for his next work sparks, he becomes a completely different person. A member of Nijisanji EN's 'Luxiem.'
