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Empathy MBTI 성격 유형


"Empathy은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Empathy은 mbti의 INFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 2w1 - sx/so - 296, big 5의 SCOAI, socionics의 EII입니다."

This profile was right next to the vampire one which I find funny. To be frank, I do not believe empath is a thing. I think INFJ are the most likely to see themselves as empaths. The reason is the nature of inferior Se, which often leads to them confusing their subjective interpretation with observable reality. His is why so many ni doms consider themselves empiricists despite their ideas that clearly didn’t come from observing the actual world (see Jung). In he same way, I think INFJ think they know someone feel which really they unconsciously making observations and then unconsciously interpreting that data. People often talk about INTJs being confused as psychics, but it seems to me that the type most likely make that confusion is the INFJ herself. Empaths may not be literally psychic, but I think the principle is the same.


Psychic Powers generally come in three flavors. You can shoot mindbullets and toss cars by thinking hard at them. You can see visions from the past or future. Or you can read minds. If you're fortunate, you get to read and transmit thoughts. And sometimes, you get to be The Empath. Being able to tell how people are secretly feeling is okay too, right? Right?... While this sometimes makes for an impressive combat power, it does make the Empath an excellent confidant for their teammates... one who knows all of their secrets, and can use them against them. Occasionally, the Empath gets such a strong reading that they can't describe it except as a headache. Empaths with a knack for manipulation and flexible ethics can combine both talents to move people like chess pieces. Sometimes the Empathy may be described as being able to calm villains or troubled characters because they are able to know just how they feel deep down, or even able to project an aura.
