Prince Daida MBTI 성격 유형


"Prince Daida은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Prince Daida은 mbti의 ENTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 3w4 - sp/sx - 386, big 5의 RLOEN, socionics의 LIE입니다."

I think he has Ni, but not too developed bcs the character is still young, remember that one scene when he refused to deliberately drink the suspicious blood potion? He said bc he has a bad feeling about it that he cannot explain, it's ni. He's suspicious that malinjo might tricked him. Not to mention, he guilttripped domas to kill bojji. Yes, he was ordered by malinjo ofc. But the manipulation was executed by himself. It was well done actually considering he's still young, he can read domas and he knows he can use it to make domas doing his bidding. As for his Se, he's adapt with sudden change. I mean compared to his mother who uses Si (Hilling is an ESTJ imo), daida is faster comprehending the situation and can act fastly according the situation. When hilling was attacked by a bunch of angry dogs, she hesitated and confused a little bit before she finally decided to take matters into her own hands. Meanwhile daida, the moment he woke up after being possessed by his father, he immediately know what to do and doesn't even bother to interrupt despa's talking (oof-) Another thing to add about why he's Se > Si, I think it's bc the moment when the evaluator of ousama ranking told him that his kingdom rank might go lower bc he's too weak, he decides to approach milanjo and asked her to give him the secret potion that can actually buff his power. He wants instant results whatever the risks is, if he's a Si user... I think he wouldn't even bother to go downstairs on the first place and sightseeing the ritual. Though in the end, he doesn't take the drink bc his bad feelings kicked in (Ni second placement and Se tert). He likes challenge and overly competitive, this is also another trait of Se tert in any ENxJs. Can be seen in that one scene when he's sparing with domas, he likes to challenge opponents that are stronger than him. As for his Te and Fi, I think it doesn't need to be explained... We can see clearly he's a Te dom already 😅😅


King Bosse's second born, Queen Hiling's son and Prince Bojji's younger brother. In contrast with Bojji, who doesn't have the support of most subjects in the kingdom, Daida seems like a gift to them. The second prince isn't looked as an incompetent fool; for many, he is King Bosse's true heir.

애니메이션 & 만화 Prince Daida과 유사한 문자
