Lee Jeya MBTI 성격 유형


"Lee Jeya은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Lee Jeya은 mbti의 ISFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w5 - - 479, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

ISFP IF(S) argument Fi-Se / Ni-Te Fi The introverted a judging Function a Rational Function more the Persona's whole function. Before(Virtual Past) Well before The objects persona was very onesideness delusional and also has a bad judgement of character also a with a personality traits of shyness and [Melancholy] College time. Suffered Judgement. we are the only ones who have done the work so the rest of the member names should not be in the ppt presentation. [V] [>] Integrity Clash with Han seori Judgement. Jeya:Why did you put there name's in the ppt without any explanation on why is it there? he tried to question han Seori judgement as a way to understand her perspective. Han Seori:What will be the benefit if we did not put someone's name in the presentation Jeya thinking about what she said Own Feeling around others (Fi-Se) Judging traits learning the forgiving of others to conduct behaviour with perfect farewell to other individuals as a way to stop regret and focus on the present moment without the interruption of The regrets from the past he wants to buried this hatches that allows them to be unstable with each other in the present moment. The individual stated that he wants to understand seori in his own perspective while in her Physical Body what will be his judgement? would our relationship been okay if we had change our ways? After(Virtual Past) Fi Observation. Se(Pe) perceiving Function it's an exploration Function allows the perceiver to be in touch with reality. when Fi is in an imaginary state the Se functing helps it Further as a way of Guiding it in the Real World but since it can't be guided it is an individual [Reading Reality] the protagonist Have experience this due to his imagination that he once perceive on exploring He was focus on his own perspective as a way to deliberately switch back there body as a way to come off with the solution through connective [Connective Reality] [ Ni Te Fi-Se Vultology. SEELIE


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