Katsuki Shintaro MBTI 성격 유형


"Katsuki Shintaro은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Katsuki Shintaro은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w7 - sp/sx - , big 5의 RLOEN, socionics의 입니다."

Here's my reasoning why Katsuki is an INTJ: Ni: Most people with Ni tend to be an observer of sorts and this boy observed for over 10 years on Minato. There's not much quotes that I can pull off but he acts almost like an ENTJ around Minato but his Ni is much more dominant through actions and implications within the story. Ni processes are more focused on hidden meaning and understanding, always taking a step back or in Katsuki's case always ahead. Ni is always about possibilities, in the recent episode his words are "I like you so much, but I can't help but wonder why it couldn't be me that you like." which I know to fellow Ni users can relate to this type of questioning. I can remember the episode that when he called Minato (after Minato confessed to Sakuma about his feelings) he knew what would happen and he was already there within a moments notice proceeding to comfort him. Te: "Are you alright now? I mean about Sakuma sensei." He didn't ask in general, he asked specifically. Te is pretty much to the point. If there's a goal, you work for it, 10 years is pretty much insane but for INTJs long term planning is a part of life. He's very direct and honest, he mentioned to one of his classmates who asked if he was into guys "I didn't think about it, but the person I like is a man". Fi: "Seeing you with Sakuma sensei was painful for me... what's more important is seeing you smile". Fi is more creating an inner world of rules setting standards for yourself and believing that what you've been doing is the right thing to do regardless of what people say even if you're hurting. We see at the last parts people asking and pretty much trying to dissuade him to stop it, but despite being hurt he brushed off everyone even Minato because what's important to him is Minato's happiness. Se: You can see it in the series, the inferior function can pretty much be told by us seeing him constantly texting him under stress. Not seeing Minato can become an obsession. With Katsuki constantly waiting outside the laundromat, can't concentrate on studying because of someone being in his mind, or constantly asking things out of line. Inferior Se is weird that way. "I don't want to see you cry again." an INTJ has a goal and he wants the person that he loves to be happy. He learned how cook for him, performs well in school, really honest about how he feels (because he's sure of what he feels for Minato), has a dream and sincerely worries about the future together with him. Katsuki I believe is an INTJ who just pretty much had enough waiting for the person he likes and decided to finally make a move. If I made any mistakes or if they can be improved, please let me know.


텔레비전 Katsuki Shintaro과 유사한 문자

일반적인 특성과 특성
