Knives MBTI 성격 유형


"Knives은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Knives은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w9 - sx/so - 125, big 5의 RLOEN, socionics의 EIE입니다."

INTJ vs ENTJ Kni from Stampede has such a strong Ni. It's like he always knew that there was something wrong. Even when he was just a child. Always very suspicious, with excellent intuition. As a Ni dom, he has that big picture of the world in his head, where everything and everyone should be in their special place. According to his big plan. Also, as a child, he is noticeably more introverted than Vash. Not to mention, he is calm (if not aggressive) most of the time. Over socializing prefer solitary activities, such as reading. And basically have one close person in the whole world. Appreciates their connection in one year so much by cherishing small, meaningful details. And he does not even try to heal his loneliness by other communications. If he were a Te dom, he would want to manage the cult and everything that happens at the headquarters personally. Kni, on the other hand, prefers to leave the dirty work to subordinates and mind his own business. As an ENTJ, he would like to made his influence on the world much more noticeable. Everyone would know his face and what is coming. He would certainly have delivered loud speeches to the human areas and had long since seized full visible control of the July city. He would not like to work from the shadows. If he were a Te dom, he would found a practical application for humans. For example, would made them slaves in the new world. And would not destroy the whole human race simply out of deep disappointment and for the sake of his beliefs. And fear, of course. ENTJs hate wasting material. Also, I believe his Fi is stronger. Instead of just getting things done quickly, efficiently and according to plan, he enjoys going into bizarre discourse about his personal vision of the common good. He considers his conclusions incredibly important and presses them very hard.


애니메이션 & 만화 Knives과 유사한 문자
