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Raymond Chin MBTI 성격 유형

Raymond Chin MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Raymond Chin은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Raymond Chin은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 6w5 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 ILI입니다."

Gue masih bingung dan belum paham Raymond chin ini enneagram dan AP nya gimana. Dia mampu membawakan dirinya dengan terbuka tapi ga banyak nge-bacot ttg personal life ataupun emotional condition nya. Jd gw bingung. Tapi jujur gw kagum sama Raymond, Samuel christ, dan irwan prasetiyo mereka ini content creator yang riset nya ga main main Skill nya. Btw typing gw terhadap Raymond chin ini bisa berubah klo gw melihat ada argumen dan insight yg jauh lebih terbukti, jangan ragu untuk menyanggah dengan sopan, kawan My enneagram four screaming for theirs research skill💀😜🤣😭


Raymond Chin is a 26-year-old CEO and Co-Founder of Ternak Uang. From his entire business journey until the age of 24, Raymond himself had never worked with anyone else, he started his career building Maven, an agency business, then a startup in the health sector, Wellness, and finally built a financial literacy education platform and stocks, namely Ternak Uang, together with partners Timothy Ronald and Felicia Putri Tjiasaka.

사업 유명 인사 Raymond Chin과 유사합니다
