White Tubbie MBTI 성격 유형


"White Tubbie은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? White Tubbie은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w6 - - 594, big 5의 , socionics의 LII입니다."

Seeing the actions of the guardian I thought "this guy is INFJ" but it turned out to be the opposite, during the beginning of the campaign he makes good use of his Ni-Te when he says "I have to pick up the custards before someone else eat them" clearly rushed to the facts, because he evidenced the massacre with Tinky Winky and the rest of teletubbies, a strong Fi can also be seen, when he tells Tinky Winky "you're not like that" or when he meets Lala cares about her and if we choose to kill her, the guardian even freaks out with the rest of the characters, for feeling guilty about what's going on I don't see much I know but in the scene where Dipsy is chasing him he clearly improvised with what he had by jumping in the laser and indirectly kill Dipsy regarding. His enneagram on 5 is the most appropriate since the guardian do some research before taking action make small plans (such as retrieving the camera and escaping from enemies) with caution regarding the 6 it is seen that he cares for the rest (to a certain extent) and is brave when he fights with the announcer and po.


The Guardian (also known as White Tubby) is the main protagonist of the Slendytubbies series. He is a Teletubby whose mission is to monitor the main quartet as well as noting their state of health and prevent them from leaving the surface in which they are experimented on.

비디오 게임 White Tubbie과 유사한 문자
