Cure Dolly MBTI 성격 유형


"Cure Dolly은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Cure Dolly은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 1w2 - - 154, big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

she had always said how the textbooks are over complicating japanese when it's actually very simple and logical presenting her own simple explanations, her videos are relatively short and so straightforward, i think someone with a high ti ne usage will probably give more explanation than needed, but she doesn't, she gives the ideal amount of information, no more, no less looking at her channel, she made her channel since 2017, with very little subscribers, yet she was very dedicated, she made high quality vids (she made 205 videos which is really impressive for a small channel), responded to all comments (or let's say the majority), she even published a book! "unlocking japanese", i think someone with that dedication must have a clear goal in his mind, ofc i'm not saying that INTPs can't work hard, but i think someone with high ne will find other interesting things to pursue, or at least change the way they do things, if you look at her thumbnails they're all the same, she even got rid of the whole introduction in her later videos, she once upon a time changed her character, but she went back to her regular character shortly after with a little change in her eyes making them brighter, but the structure is still the same, this indicates high te use, cuz te users focus on the end goal and purpose of things so they tend to terminate unpurposeful steps to achieve what they want an INTP will start from one idea to a ton of other ideas, they'll probably give a lot of examples to explain things more clearly (going from one idea to a lot of other ideas giving excessive examples indicate high use of ne si) while INTJs will focus on narrowing things down to reach a clear conclusion skipping useless steps (narrowing down things and skipping unimportant details indicate high use of ni te) honestly i never seen such a reductive person if that's a real word (english is my second language i don't really know if what i say is clear enough or not).


A YouTube Japanese language-learning-focused educator using an android persona with an emphasis on input-based mixed methods, with her channel named as "Organic Japanese with Cure Dolly".

잘 알려진 사람 유명 인사 Cure Dolly과 유사합니다
