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People Lick Too MBTI 성격 유형

People Lick Too MBTI 성격 유형 image


"People Lick Too은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? People Lick Too은 mbti의 ENTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 - sx/sp - 963, big 5의 SCUEI, socionics의 입니다."

"People lick too" ~An ENTP probably


(warning: animal death) A young girl, home alone, lies in her bed unable to sleep. She keeps hearing something dripping outside her dark room. Each time she hears the sound she puts her hand down beside her bed where her golden retriever always sleeps. Each time the dog licks her hand, and she feels comforted knowing he is there to keep her safe. The sound goes on for a couple hours, with the girl continuously letting the dog lick her hand. Finally, she puts her hand down and her dog is no longer there. When the dog doesn’t respond, she goes to find him and the source of the dripping noise. She keeps calling him, and following the noise to the bathroom down the hall. When she turns on the light, she can tell the sound in coming from the bathtub, obscured by a shower curtain. When she pulls back the curtain she sees her dog, gutted and hanging from the showerhead, dripping blood into the tub. On the wall beside the dog is scrawled in big, bloody letters, "People Lick Too".
