Professor Sada MBTI 성격 유형


"Professor Sada은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Professor Sada은 mbti의 INTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w6 - sp/so - 538, big 5의 RCOEI, socionics의 LSE입니다."

Everyone selectin ESTP here are just judging based only on appearance. since She and Professor Turo actually HAVE THE SAME DIALOGUES IN THE ENTIRE GAME. it's obvious they have the exactly same personality and nature of acting. they're idealistic cuz they have a dream they want to achieve and that is brnging pokemon from another tme to the present. tehy do anything to achieve tht goal no matter what, even if that means put on the risk the entire region nature balance. they should be Ni Dom ussers, maybe INTJ based on their objectivity Spoiler Alert or mauybe being their AI the INTJ one based on their objectivity and capability to feel empathy based on the data they have and developing an own systen value and feelings (Ni-Te-Fi like INTJ) the eneagram from original Professor Sada sould be 5w6 as she get completely absoberd by her own desire of investigtion and her dream of bringinf pokemon from pasto to present to make a time machine and a real crazy security protocol, she thought in everything, even made an AI. but the AI has an completely different eneagram, probably 1w9 as her wants to protect the paldea region above Sada's Dream and her own programation, asking the protagonist cast to put an end to the time machine and her pasive nature suget the wing 9 as she is not active in the plot and she do all of this for the sake of peaces and balance more than just help. both versions of sada looks like Self Preservative, because original Sada make and entire plan to preserv her dreamed proyect from any attempt to be stoped. and we can see the AI is very calm but friendly so should be Phlematic-Sanguine


Professor Sada is a professor who appears in Pokémon Scarlet. She is conducting research into the lore of the Paldea region. #MagnificentBastard

비디오 게임 Professor Sada과 유사한 문자
