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  3. Odd Love

Jeong Jaehan MBTI 성격 유형

Jeong Jaehan MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Jeong Jaehan은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Jeong Jaehan은 mbti의 ENTJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w6 - - , big 5의 , socionics의 입니다."

ENTJ 1w2 diagnosing this bastard with textbook ENTJ 5w6. Te: he is assertive, but non-te doms can be just as if not more assertive; the indicator is the certainty and confidence he has in his thoughts. Nothing but himself influences him, and he only changes course if he himself changes his mind. Even if what he does hurts others, he is willing to take the causalities because he genuinely believes HE is right, and that’s the most important thing to him. Ni: usually Ni is very difficult to spot, but we have the advantage of his POV. Ni has nothing to do with being “smart,” and everything to do with planning way into the future. He has proven numerous times to be extremely calculated, considering many facets and weaving them into an intricate web. He always tries to be many steps ahead. The way this connects with Te is his quick decision making and decision *expressing*: he has no problem asserting his plans because he has thought many steps ahead about what is best for him and whoever/whatever he cares about. He would only ever change his course if his inner world indicates he should. Se: he’s charming when he needs to be and indulges in drugs, sex, and partying. He can be very harsh and seemingly impulsive in ruining others lives, but it is more that he had never regarded others as worth much. I am putting his Se low because it doesn’t seem like a motive for his actions. The only time where his Se sticks out to me is when he is in his TeSe loop after losing Heekyum; he just Te executes whatever his pleasure seeing Se desires. Fi: I honestly think that his Fi is very well developed. He has not a *shred* of empathy for others, but he is extremely good at understanding himself for an ENTJ. Instead of empathy, he has the ENTJ guilt that occurs when they realize they’ve done something wrong (by their own books) or they just haven’t made the very best decision. This is because as Te doms, ENTJs tend to feel responsible for the lives of the people they love because they think they know best. When something goes wrong in the life of a loved one they could have prevented, ENTJs don’t feel bad because the loved one feels bad, it’s because ENTJs believe they have failed at their duty, their responsibility. 5w6: He isn’t afraid to self-analyze in the context of Fi; some of that may be because of the curiosity of a type 5. But his past fear and anxiety of Yoon and the unknown felt very type 5. As for him being very suspicious and doing a ton of mental gymnastics, I’d say that’s just all around an ENTJ thing. Always need to protect themselves and their future, and their fragile ego. Lashing out very badly because of a combination of fear and guilt is basically an ENTJ rite of passage.


웹 만화 Jeong Jaehan과 유사한 문자
