Touya Sagami MBTI 성격 유형


"Touya Sagami은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Touya Sagami은 mbti의 INTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 5w4 - sp/sx - 541, big 5의 RLUEI, socionics의 입니다."

the INTJ has to be a joke right? I dont have too much for giving a conclusive argument but everything about him screams Ti dom Fe inf. Rude, self-rightious, circumventing rules and regulations to cheat at physical exercize and boost the AI of his robot companion, clashes with Taiyo because it's your typical Ti vs Te conflict and is dismissive of earthlings and doesn't want anything to do with them. It's your typical "him against the world" conflict which isusually found in IxxPs. He seems more perceptive to me but that's just guessing on my part. He does however prove Ne in his way of not accepting fate or circumstantial desaster which he finds himselfs in during the course of the show, which becomes especially aparent in his persistence to save Konoha, he keeps trying to find a way that will work, however absurd. He does come to terms with his Fe eventually when he finds worth in humanity after all and that they are worth saving despite what logic might imply at first glance.


14-year-old 'edgelord' hacker. One of the first human children born on the moon, he hates Earthlings for certain reason. He is disgusted by the unwarranted prejudice from Earthlings. Touya and Konoha have implants in their brains designed by the AI "Seven," and he attempts to hack them using his buddy drone "Dakki," whose intelligence limiter has been removed, in order to fix the hidden defects.

애니메이션 & 만화 Touya Sagami과 유사한 문자
