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Cahara, The Mercenary MBTI 성격 유형

Cahara, The Mercenary MBTI 성격 유형 image


"Cahara, The Mercenary은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Cahara, The Mercenary은 mbti의 ENTP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 7w8 - sp/sx - 793, big 5의 SCUEI, socionics의 ILE입니다."

SPOILERS FOR ENDING A! Man, This character really makes me feel bad, i love the hell out of him, which is why it's really sad to think that in all likelyhood the actual canon ending of his story is death, helping someone he probably saw as a daughter ascend to change the world. He was a criminal, but obviously a pure soul, and in general his whole motivation of going to the dungeons was to provide for his family. that, and his interractions with d'arce when she's going crazy desplays a healthy ammount of ne-fe, the creative ways to compliment her to cheer her up, really displays how truly pure he was despite his way of life. His whole backstory gives us a huge number of reasons as to why he's ENTP, Cahara's whole life was essentially built on starting over, trying new tactics to see what worked, finding solutions to his problems, but never truly settling down, always aiming for a better way of life, which is a ne-ti loop. his cut dialogue about contemplating suicide explains a lot, both about his personality, and his character. it displays an actual reason he would make that sacrifice for the girl, it displays a lot of ne, and it's a really sad look into him as a character. To me, cahara is a wonderfully done character, realistically portrayed, a character with flaws and his own issues, who wants nothing more than to survive, while being the best person possible. I'm really sad about his canonical death, but he's still my most played for a reason, cahara is love, cahara is life, cahara is op. (en garde + escape plan + white angel soul means you can solo every non-boss enemy with 0 issues, and he can get that in like 3 minutes of gameplay with an empty scroll)


비디오 게임 Cahara, The Mercenary과 유사한 문자
