Elle Woods MBTI 성격 유형


"Elle Woods은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Elle Woods은 mbti의 ENFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 2w3 - so/sx - 278, big 5의 SLOEI, socionics의 ESE입니다."

"You got into Harvard Law?" "What, like it's hard?" ENFP. No Ni whatsoever; her objective to get serious and get Warner back in her arms (exhibiting her enneagram 2) is childishly candid and stupidly simple. Elle isn't bothered to reflect on the consequences or aftermath of her actions, she is blinded by her passion for Warner that she impulsively charges to Harvard Law with that single thought of him, demonstrating Ne-Te and strict Si. ENFP's inferior Si may be perceived as being one-track minded and perhaps forgetful ( e.g. when Elle was obsessed over Warner during Harvard Law, her ENFP was unhealthy thus her Si caused her to yearn for the past. Also when Warner proposed to Vivian, she had forgotten about Warner for awhile but was immediately heartbroken at the event). Elle's Si powered her to fixate on her newfound journey to Harvard Law for Warner, and her 2 only increased her desire intensely. As for her enneagram 2, she literally attempts to refashion her appearance and personality all for Warner. A 2's core fear is being unwanted by loved ones, so Elle tries to sculpt herself into someone she is not just to regain Warner's affection. "Apparently that's what Warner wants, so you have to make me a brunette." Her aux Fi is imminent; this special blonde, bubbly identity of hers makes her stick out like a sore thumb, for worse (when Warner ignorantly discarded her as one of those Barbie dolls, "Less of a Marilyn, more of a Jackie.") but now for better. She freely flaunts her iconic characteristic she once despised when she bounces back to law in the Legally Blonde Remix. "Back in the game, back to the trial, but I'm going back in my style!" Little miss Woods comma Elle. A top tier example of character development.


극장 Elle Woods과 유사한 문자
