Johnny Marr MBTI 성격 유형


"Johnny Marr은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Johnny Marr은 mbti의 ISFP 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 9w1 - sp/sx - 945, big 5의 RCUAI, socionics의 SEI입니다."

He does have very 9-ish qualities. Oftentimes when he’s ask to speak about Morrissey he actively avoids it or is pretty brief despite how close they used to be, and this is probably because of both their political and creative differences. Here, for example, when asked about him he seems pretty coy about it. Not saying that’s his only 9 quality but it is something I’ve picked up on other than the “chill and plays guitar” vibe He seems pretty Se aux based off of this as well: The Messenger album has a central theme of the environments you live in shaping the person you are. Marr explained to The Sun: "It's about how the ideas you have leaving school are pretty much the ideas that stick with you. The notions that I had about music, work, teachers, politicians have not changed. It's about life and being wide awake and having energy in the life around you." I think his Ni is particularly strong for an ISFP and as he has a 5 fix, he’s more prone to analysis and comes off as INFJ-ish sometimes. That being said, I believe his Ni is more conscious than his Se which seems to come more naturally based off of a lot of descriptions I’ve read. He speaks in very simple and ambiguous terms sometimes, which to others seem strange but to him they perfectly make sense. A passage from his book: “‘What else do you like?’ … I wanted to give her a genuine answer, so after pausing to think for a minute I said, ‘Colours.’… My answer about colours and bikes and clothes wasn’t actually as abstract as it sounded. I’d become fascinated by colours, and I would obsess about a specific shade of green or blue in the way that I did about songs.” Seems quite Se-Ni to me.


Johnny Marr (born 31 October 1963) is an English musician, songwriter, and singer. He first achieved fame as the guitarist and co-songwriter of The Smiths, who were active from 1982 to 1987. He has since performed with numerous other bands and embarked on a solo career. Since then, Marr has been a member of the Pretenders, The The, Electronic, Modest Mouse, and the Cribs, and he has become a prolific session musician, working with names such as Kirsty MacColl, Pet Shop Boys, Talking Heads, Bryan Ferry and Hans Zimmer.

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