Phoenix MBTI 성격 유형


"Phoenix은 어떤 성격 유형입니까? Phoenix은 mbti의 INFJ 성격 유형입니다. enneagram의 4w5 - sp/sx - 451, big 5의 RCOAI, socionics의 IEI입니다."

A story of a legendary bird who dies and gets reborn again is actually quite inspiring... It kinda gives me hope in this miserable world.


The Phoenix is an ancient and well known symbol of death and rebirth and is an idea that is found all over Asia and Europe. It's portrayed as a magnificent bird with a plumage of fiery colors and also with fiery powers or in some stories, a bird actually made of living flames. The Phoenix of the Phoenician myth was an immortal bird that could regenerate from any injury. At a certain time, the Phoenix would make a nest of cinnamon sticks, and then self-immolate, burning to ashes, from which a new Phoenix was born. Similar myths include the Egyptian Bennu, the Chinese Fenghuang (or Houou to the Japanese), the Vermilion Bird Suzaku, and the Firebird of Russian folklore. Traditionally this is not a species; there is usually only one Phoenix. In the Middle Ages, it also became a symbol of the soul rising from the demise of the physical body. Stories don't agree whether the bird from the egg is a new phoenix or the old one. Other ideas include that its tears or song have healing powers.
